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Here are some cool links you should check out!!

blah blah blah blah....
Blah, blah, blah, blah.... As mentioned above.

Some great links! Check 'em out, but don't leave. I'll be alone again... hehehe.
The Spark This is a cool place to meet cool people!! This is where we meet our friends, are only friends...haha
Green Day This is only the best band ever!! It's most of our inspiration and motivation!!
Pop punk This is a page full of poppunk bands!!! A really cool place...
Harmony CentralIf you play guitar or bass, this is a good place to get tabs for punk and other variety of music!!

Slam omahaCheck out some of the local bands that we play with, you can also check out Sideprojects page by going there.

All Music GuideEnter the names, styles, genres...etc., of your favorite artists. Even some of the smaller artists. Find albums, songs, and record labels of artists long gone and up and coming.
Blank TV Download and then watch some of the best and hardest to find punk videos of our time. Hey! That rhymns.
Same Old Crap These are some great guys. Check out their website and hear some crazy punk rock from some crappy guys.
Dollar Short This is our band when Josh isn't around. We play mostly for fun.
Dogwood These guys our one of the biggest influences on Rob's and my music. Both written and played.
Converse Online This is a haven for any punk who is true to the shoe. Great place to order Allstars, in any color they got. From orange to blue to stars and stripes. Check it out asap.
Teen Match Maker Cool place to find peolpe. Much better than the Spark, but a little more comfusing.