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Rob "Cheerleader" McBride

"Wayne NE has the coolest people in NE! They all rule!!!! Mike, Lando, Frank, Kelli, Dulcia, Aimee, Brooke (when you go there for college) and everyone else!"

NAME: Rob McBride
NICKNAME: Don't really have one, call me whatever the hell you wanna call me, cheerleader came from Dollar shorts recordings...
POSITION: 69, Guitar, screaming
DESCRIPTION:The average Joe, sweet, kind, caring person. Nobody can really describe me. I'm different. But different is good. and i don't give a crap what anybody thinks of me. I like me.
AGE: 19, but i feel like i'm an old geezer
HEIGHT: 6'3" and going strong. I'll probably shrink though as i age and become one of those little midgets with mohawks.
JOB: I put out fruit and vegatables. Fun stuff i tell ya, don't ever do it.
SHOE SIZE: 12,13 and 15, i think my feet grow from big to small daily.
FAVORITE SONG: I don't know...I like way too many, dammit!
FAVORITE BAND: Green Day and Potshot
MAJOR INFLUENCE: Potshot and Green Day
MARITAL STATUS: Just kinda hanging out right now :-)
HOBBIES: Playing guitar, bass, drums, writing songs/poems, drawing, bowling
HOW MANY BROKEN HEARTS: One, and it was brutal
PARENTS: my parents would be my mom and dad,their older than me, i would die for them, i love them, their names are Bob and Carrie
BROTHERS/SISTERS: Donnie, he's my brother, he's cool, i love him too.
PETS: 5 headache prone feathered ancestors of dinosaurs.
FAVORTIE LOCAL BANDS: Heckler, JVA, Sideproject
FAVORITE NON PUNK BAND: huh? no comprende senior
FAVORITE MOVIE: Final destination, Loser, a lot i guess, webcam movies that jacob and me do because they are funny and retarded haha.
FAVORITE MAGAZINE: Alternative Press and any mags that involve punk rock.
FAVORITE SPORT: Bowling and Pro football, and some things that no one would wanna hear about ;-)
FAVORTIE QUOTE: "you are the cure to my wounds, without you i am nothing, i love you"
EQUIPMENT: De Armond guitar, epiphone guitar and a peavey amp, and a very small "cough, hmm..." i mean, nevermind...haha
FAVORITE SHOW: T.V sucks just like the radio besides i don't have time to watch it.
SCHOOL: i think i'm still in kindergarden, or maybe i graduated but i should still be in school.
FAVORITE SHOE: Converse all stars and Vans. Who cares about what my fav. shoe is anyway? Who made this question thing anyway? oh yea, that was me....

  Rob is also a memeber of Sideproject and HecklerSideproject is a punk/ska band who really kicks ass!! They have a cd made called "Stand Alone" it's awesome!!!
Heckler was first called Grade D which originated from Haywire...their old bass player wasn't able to play bass again for them so they had asked Rob to play for them, and so came about Heckler..they rock!!!

This is Rob, the one who creates most of DSI's music and lyrics..(All of the profile pictures were taken in Rob's room.)
  Jacob Speaks! Rob is one of the best guitar players I've seen. He pulls stuff just out of thin air. Its not always the best but when he finds something its just amazing. If you ever see him play in Heckler or Side Project prepare to be stunned. He's even better at bass then he is at guitar.

I would just like to thank some people for being great and being there to support us.

My Parents for everything, i love you so much, My brother Donnie, he's one of our biggest fans, he's a great guy, i love ya dude!!
The guys in the band for making this band rule!!
Bob for supporting us and being annoying.
Brandon, John, and Carrie for being there for support and being great people.
My parents for everything. I love you!!!

Danny and David Bligh for being some of the best friends i've ever had. Brooke for being a great person and liking me for me, you are so awesome!!! Kelli and Dulcia for being awesome and fun to hang out with. Everybody in Wayne NE, you rock. All my friends and anyone who likes this band, thank you so much for support!!!